Out-of-town visitors and non-members are welcome to play during Club Hours (Monday through Friday 8:00 A.M until noon for the outdoor courts and Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00 A.M. until noon in the Gym). At all other times, the courts are open for public use from dawn to dusk. Courts are NOT lighted.
Paddle racks are used to provide an orderly sequence for getting on and off the courts. We also provide balls and have a few loaner paddles. There is a drop-in fee of $3 per day. Visitors are required to sign a release from liability form at the Sign-In desk. We ask that you follow the Guidelines below which will help you have the best overall game experience.
Please reach us at atascaderopickleball@gmail.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Before you decide, study the USA Pickleball rating guide to determine your pickleball rating. Courts 1 and 2 are for players with a rating of 3.5 and above. If you play on these courts, you should expect to be in a more aggressive game with a variety of shots and strategy being used. Courts 3 and 4 are for a more middle of the road game for 2.0 to 3.5 skill level players. Play on these courts is not as fast paced as players are still getting familiar with the game or are working on improving their skills.
Put your paddle in the rack that matches your skill level. Keep an eye on where your paddle is in the lineup as it is easy to get distracted as we chat with our friends. When your group is next, gather with them at the gate. Wait for play to stop, then proceed to the open court. When your game is over, make sure all four players are at the gate before you exit. During busy times, our temporary nets may be put up on the basketball courts. Put your paddle in the “Extra Court” paddle rack to play on them.
Stack your paddles together (it’s called paddling up) Please remember, if there are less than four paddles ahead of your group, one or more in your group can opt to play with them but the group can’t jump ahead of them but other paddles behind you, can.
If all four have pulled their paddles and are ready to play, good sportsmanship and common courtesy applies and you proceed to the open court. This is a great opportunity for higher skill players to adjust their game to make it fun for all and it gives those on the way up a chance to enjoy the challenge of a more competitive game. If this keeps happening, hold your paddle out of the rack until there are players in line that better match your skills or find a group to paddle up with.
If the adjacent paddle rack has four or more paddles in line, that foursome can play on the open court. However, if there are three or less paddles in the open court rack, good sportsmanship dictates that you ask the players in the adjacent rack to play with you. If they decline, then the next four players in the adjacent rack have first priority on the open court. They cannot hold the court to wait for other players of their skill level.
There may be a time when we have so many players that we need to play "rally scoring to 15, win on the serve" in order to rotate everyone in. Keep your eye out for a current or former board member who is acting as a court monitor that will pass the word.